Lean Name: Introduction to Wind Analysis & Simulation

Introduction Video

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Our brand new course "Introduction to Wind Analysis/Simulations" has just launched. By benefiting from this exclusive course you'll be able run wind simulations within grasshopper. By by completion of this course you will learn:
-How to set up right tools for your simulations/analysis
-Intoduction to wind Analysis
-How to create wind tunnels
-Running one-directional wind simulations
-Vector visualizations
-Mesh visualizations
-Running multiple-directional wind simulations
-Creating outdoor comfort analysis and visualizations
-Simulating wind pressure on building faces
-Visualizing wind pressure
-Running dynamic simulations
-How to create and record animations of wind analysis
-How to create conceptual parametric masses for wind pressure analysis
-How to use wind pressure as a design input to create multiple mass variations
-Visualizin results